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NO PURSUIT! The battle cry for this month.
written @ 4:30 p.m. on October 11, 2002

What a week this has been. Unfortunatly I sick and witchy most of it. I apologize for that. : ) You know i love you. I guess i should start with the BOA Daytona and last weekend blurb.

So last weekend...Friday was the homecomming game vs Pinellas Park which the band was obligated to go to even though we had to be back at the school before 4:15am. We won, i guess i would have enjoyed winning the game more if i had actually been able to go to homecomming Saturday...Homecomming Dance for the normal people (I heard mixed reviews about it) and BOA Daytona for me. Personally it sucked. I woke up like 10 minutes before i had to be at the school and frantically got ready. (i stayed up the night before talking online...oops.) i felt sick to my stomach, just assumed it was from nerves lack, lack of sleep, and stress. Boy was i wrong. I had whatever has been going around. I spent the entire ride to daytona in the bus bathroom puking, so all the sleep i [lanned to get on the bus i didnt get. We get to Daytona and start to get ready to warmup and i couldnt breathe my chest was sooooo tight. I dont have asthma or anything like that either. It was weird. Thursday and Friday it had felt like i had a broken rib or something but of course i was like whatever and didnt do anything about it. I should have because Saturday was unbearably painful. Of course me being me decided to perform anyway. Oh that was wise, do something that invovles a lot of air when you can barely take shallow breaths. no one ever said i was smart. I came off the field hyperventateing. fun stuff. Had a bad run according to my standards so yeah. Of course Tarpon won it all again. I mean they are great and all but it is getting kinda old. Maybe it is the whole same basic style show. Eh talking about BOA is putting a damper on my good mood.

Hmmm...lets see what i can remember about this week.

Monday: Anatomy test on VSR (vertebrae sternum and ribs). It wasnt that hard seeing as that entire area of my body still hurt. I got a 92% heehee 2 points under the curve setter.

Tuesday: Apparently nothing of any importance happend because i dont remember a thing.

Wednesday: Worked from 6-10pm. That was fun, Matt made me the best cafe latte shake ever. Yumm. I want another one.

Thursday: Another antomy test(upper extremity) and first of six Henry free days. : ) I missed 10 our of 47 problem, being sick and haveing tests sucks. I wrote down the word for a couple of problems that were repeat :P oh well. Oh yes there was no rehearsal because we had only barnes because all the instructors had prior engagements and we would have been on the unlined black top.

Today: Decided to end the pursuit of guys for one month. LOL. I think this was Laurens idea. i dunno shouldnt be too hard seeing as i am giving up on my interest anyway. :-P November 11th I will try again :)

This weekend: FREE!!!!! NO BAND!!! Only have to work Sunday from 12-5. No plans as of yet, tried but failed miserably. I think i am just going to sleep and chill around my house.

I am gonna get going now.

<3 Sara