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Woah, Deja vu... Are you sure this is Junior year?
written @ 7:23 p.m. on August 23, 2002

What are the odds of this? Actually they were pretty obvious. I should have seen this comming. Oh wait i did i just was like whatever. Hopefully this wont turn out to be a total repeat of the beginnign of sophomore year.

Check out the earliest entrys in here to read more about that.

Anyways....so now the tables have turned and RYAN likes CHRISTA. She didnt tell me that she liked him back but that is just cause she is the awesomest friend ever and didnt want to hurt me by doing something like that. I gave her my blessing though. Yet she is still bothered, luckily she talked to her mom and got the picture that i no likey ryan. Progress was being made with Ryan and I, he has been sick like really sick the last two days so today i called him afterschool and i spent like 45 minutes on the phone with him. I mean granted i spent over and hour on the phone with Christa. I wish she wouldnt feel so bad...Wait, that was how i felt last year i didnt want anyof them to be hurt. I only want to see them happy, and for all of us to get along. When they hook up its gonna be massively awkward, and yes he is going to ask her out. (yes i am feeling a relationship pang, a chick flick should take care of it.) I think that is kinda funny that Christa has a thing for my Ryan and I have a thing for her "Whiteshirtbluestripte". its amusing, but that for me is only a crush, not an obssesion as some people like to think.

That relationship pang is getting stronger so i am a.) going to go watch a chick flick or the Disney movie A ring of endless light (i read that book) or b.) finish reading the sequel to Gone with the Wind.

love ya
