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Your know you are a procratinator when...
written @ 4:10 p.m. on August 18, 2002

Your know you are a procratinator when it's 4:00pm on Sunday and you havent started your Anatomy project that was assigned almost two weeks ago. OOPS!

Its shouldnt be to hard though i only have to label the body parts on a doll along with body plans. For a class that i thought was going to be incredible hard, i still think it will be, but it is the most enjoyable class that i have. The rest of my classes are pretty boring. I like AP American History too.

So as of last Wednesday i was offically hired to work at the marble slab : ) score! I have a job. Oh the cash flow. Next week, not this week, the store opens, the 29th if anyone is interested. I will be working Monday Wensday and Sundays. Stop by and visit. : ) i never thought i would actually look forward to getting a job.

Yesterday, there was a 9 to 9 rehearsal for band. It felt like we never has left band camp. I am so thinking that was because of the lack of sleep i am feeling from school. Band is going, i cant say that it is going to spectacularly wonderful, but it is going. Thursday at rehearsal the differences between me and Ryan made themselves known. He talked to Ivey, and i went to Barnes practically in tears because of frustration. Ryan and i get along when we dont have to work, but when it comes to working i want to work and he doesnt. Then yesterday Barnes called us in his office to tell us to get along or he would replace us. We got along, but the problem of working remained, so at the end of the day when Barnes asked how things went i told him we get along fine as friends but that working was where we differed. If only we could get along wehn we were working.

On to things related to love lifes...mine is sso very non existant, but i am fine with that. One day at rehearsal Rachel and I were talking about who there was to like in the band and she tells me her guys and then she looks at me and was like you and ryan? and i was like uh no. Then she told me that she went to the movies with ryan and her brother and all of them and he told them all cockily that i had liked him since seventh grade. let me clear this up for everyone. The answer to that is NO! In fact i didnt even start to like him till the end of freshman year when we actually got along. Glad that is clear. I would attempt to go into detail of my non existant love life, the recent stuff, but i really have to go. My consience is telling me to go do that project.

Sign the guestbook if you have nothing better to do.

<3 Sara

The current mood of Smd13210@yahoo.com at www.imood.com