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Hell on earth...wait, shouldnt that be heaven, nope it's hell
Yes, I am a nerd
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Dropped, dont bother picking me up

#! buddies

i need to stop doing this
written @ 12:28 p.m. on August 10, 2002

Why is it that you always fall for the one you know you can't have? Why is it that i waited soo long to realize how much I actually liked this person? Denying that i didnt like this person didnt help either. My denying, i dont think fooled the person i was telling anyway. I always saw this as an unlikely combination anyway. Yet i know that its not going to be the same when he leaves. Oh well i can always dream right?

Last night i went to the movies with a bunch of people from band and saw Signs. Half of the group had already seen it so that made for a slightly ruined supposedly scary movie. I dunno, it was kinda predictable at parts and then if you paid attention you already knew why certain things happend and what they meant. I felt kinda stupid i mean i jumped up when alot of things happen. I feel soo bad for Pat because i like jumped over to him a couple of times. The ppor guy was soo bored out of his mind. So i guess him sitting between 2 people who hadnt seen it brought him some amusement. The movie started out really slow and i thought i was gonna fall asleep and use Pat as a pillow. I dunno i didnt think the movie was all that good. I feel bad for Pat because it was his third time seeing it. After the movie, there were so many people there. Rumor was there was going to be a fight, so we all walked out and hung out by Pats car. Then it started to rain so we stuffed like 8 people into his pathfinder. Pat was like lets go swimming. So we made phone calls and decided that jeremys house was the place to go...and no the comme does not like the frog killer.Keep in mind now that the school year has started again and so has my curfew. After the movie i had about just enough time to get home. Lucikly my mom heard my desperate cry to hang out with everyone before Pat left again and understood that he would give me a ride home. At Jeremys we..well the guys played ping pong and pool. Christa and I the only two girls who went over there were forced to sit and watch. I didnt get home till after 11. : ) My mom didnt care either. I think that she actually likes pat just a little bit and accepts the fact that i want to hang out longer and it isnt like i am out doing anything illegal. Last night was pretty amusing.

Oh yes. I got my hair cut 4 inches yesterday so now it barely goes up in a baby pony tail. I guess it looks okay. I need to think of something new to do to it. I want to dye my hair but i dotn know how i will get my mom to go for the color i want it to be.

alright. I have to get off now and enter the fun world of homework and the crazyness that the mall and the flea market will be. I have to go buy stuff i need for school and for a project

JOY! I sure do love anatomy!

<3 ya


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