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Hell on earth...wait, shouldnt that be heaven, nope it's hell
Yes, I am a nerd
Working Hard
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Smooth like clock work? NOPE!
written @ 6:07 p.m. on August 08, 2002

How amusing it is when you throw almost 700 new people into a school. hint: IT ISNT! Smooth like clock work is the way that it should be. And oh Yes the Sophomores with top lockers should have them in the boonies where the upperclassman lockers are : P I am not amused with that.

Well obviously from that intro you should well know that school has started. Blahness. I think that this year is going to be a year all pure hell, i mean i have had a mass of homework already the first two days. This year for my enjoyment i am taking:

Anatomy and Physiology with the one and only Mrs Henry. This class may kill me I have a quiz monday on medical terms : / which is the easiest one all year she says.

AP Spanish Language con Profesora Silva. (HOOORAY! It wasnt Farr! There would have been a massive schedule change if it had been)

Trigonometry with Miss Svabeck, its her last year. Lucky for her she gets me ::gags::

AP American History with Ms Cathey. This should be interesting because she was the cheerleading sponsor/coach. ::shudders:: Today she did the whole Ready OK type thing and Ryan, Shane, David and I shuddered it was kinda funny.Should be interesting. This lady is Mrs Keeler perky times 2

Lunch...YUMMMY....well it might be if i ate : )

Band. Well band is band and band is like band.

Ap English with Mrs Rowe. I just finished a composition for that class about my name. Oh yeah that was amusing.

I have a few amusing classes this year and luckily most of the morons have finally gotten to stupid/smart to be moved up to the classes i am in and to take the combination i am taking.

Its anatomy homwork time. I would be at band right now except for they have reseeded the field...AGAIN and the lined havent been painted on the black top. So the marching band is once again with out a field causeing rehearsal to be cancelled. joy. ::sacasim::

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