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Frog Killer and Communist, or Tagalong and the Beast
written @ 8:40 p.m. on July 31, 2002

Yeah, so i locked this for a while and then i was like Whatever. So you maybe have missed stuff.

Ah. Today was great. My first day of absolutely no marching band in what seems like a month. I slept, then watched movies for a couple of hours and then i went to the mall. Back to school Shopping. I actually bought something from American Eagle, rather than my normal stores of choice. Yes, i myself am shocked at that. I would have rather gone bowling with Tara but my mom was all you havent done anything with us in almost two weeks. After the mall, i went home to eat before i went to Wind ensemble rehearsal. Youre thinking Wait, i thought she didnt have band today. Lol no no that isnt the case there just wasnt marching band. It was actually really fun and it went by really fast. I think that WE has the "potential" to be great. (i hate using that word.) After rehearsal Nicole and I were going to go to Burger King for our ritual hot fudge brownie royal, when her friend Alex shows up and decideds that they should hang out, blah blah blah. So I end up being driven home by Alex, with Matt L and Nicole. We swung by Burger King were Alison S shows up and hops in the car...correction Land Rover. Gosh, i sware they thought i was a little kid. Sheesh that was awful. It was a sheild her virgin ears moment. They arent virgin so chill. Dont take that the wrong way though.

Anyways, this is going to be a long year if things keep going like they are. For instance I am in a section in which there is toooooooo much flirting and beating around the bush. :::coughcoughRyanandJuliecoughcougg:: Justine, Marissa and I soo think that Ryan likes her, but this is only because he acts like a guy who is still in that i-hate-girls stage, and then picks on her even more. I soo can see them hooking up. During We rehearsal today they were even worse than normal. Now for me on the other hand there is nothing of intrest. Marissa seems to think the "Frog Killer" likes the "Comme" and vice versa. haahaa. but i dunno about that. ;) I am gonna go with "tagalong" and the "beast". oh geez we need new nicknames

Its hard to believe that there is only ONE more 9am to 9pm Band camp day!!!!!!!

These have been the longest two weeks ever. We have the entire 1st song on the field and by tomorrow should have a majority of the second song. Then on Friday we put more on and clean it before the premire show at 6. : ) Then it is cookout and LOCKIN TIME! I am sooo psyched for this.

Alrightys i am a go. Its sleepy time and i have to get up early again : P All you who can sleep get an extra hour or two just for me!

<3 Sara