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#! buddies

Chick Flicks Rule!
written @ 8:35 p.m. on July 07, 2002

Ma�ana, I will be stuck in the car with my mom and brother for another fun filled adventure to my grandmothers house. I soo wish i could drive because then while we are up there my brother and I could go out and do stuff rather than sit around and do absolutely nothing. : P Sucks to be me. I am driving up part of the way. Does anyone know if you can take your drivers test in a different part of the state? If so i might try and take it in the little town right on the Fl/AL line. i should be packing but i might as well report back about the last couple of days.

For the fourth my family and a bunch of families from my church went down to the saftey harbor marina and watched the fireworks and then went back to one of the peoples house and had a desert fest. i crashed at thier house with thier daughter who doesnt go to my church. that was fun. We lit fire works and chilled in the pool way into the wee morning hours. Then of course we watched the best movies ever : ) Pearl Harbor. Then had the best conversation over Josh Harnett and Heath Ledger. I cant remember what happened between the 5th and the 7th.

Heather Ledger explains in part what i have done today. All day long on USA chick flicks have been played, and of course i watched them. : ) Cant hardley wait, 10 things i Hate about you (its on again now) and Shes all that. I must say that was a great line up of cute guys : ) the other part of the day was spent doing laundry.

Other than that nothing has been going on. Oh well other than the fact that i realised that i still like this one guy. Eh i know that it wont work so it isnt worth dragging up. Dont worry it isnt Ryan. ::shudders at the thought if it was him::

Oh if any one is interested in a baby kitten. Contact me then i will contact Arthur who will contact the owner.

talk to yalls later

<3 Sara

::insert Lazy smiley here because i am too lazy to go and find a smiley::