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Discovery # 5,0001
written @ 10:50 p.m. on July 03, 2002

Discovery # 5,0001: Sara is never again planning a sectional trip anywhere that isnt. A) at the school or B) at someones house.

Today was an asolute disaster. Good thing Ryan couldnt make it at the last minute to see my plans fail. That would have made the day worse. Crikey! It was the worst possible expierence ever...it kinda got better...not to much though.

Okay. So early this morning i called the bowling alley to see what if i could reseverve a lane..etc They told me that they didnt do that and it was just free bowl all day like no league stuff. Well.. Marissa and I show up and we see all of these people our age showing up with rolling luggage..or so we thought. Turned out our plans were screwed and that it was high school league night > : ( they lied to me. ick it was most embarassing. I definatly need to learn to drive and then drive like a tank or something. So there were like 7 of us hanging at the alley. Luckily Marissa's dad is way cool and resuced us from the bowling alley and then took us to the movies. Mr Deeds we did see. FUNNY MOVIE. The Cats lol!!!!! ah that was like the best part : ) I still feel awful about what happend because one of the guys Chris was supposed to go over to his friends house afterwards and it was like 10:00 before we got outta there. Eh it was wierd. I feel bad for Christa because she came along expecting to go bowling with Marissa and me (she missed me) and then she ended up having to see the same movie that she saw last night. I feel horrible. NO MORE PLANNING EVENTS FOR ME EVER!!! Ha well..there goes my secret dream of wanting to become a wedding planner when i grow up : ) The Wedding Planner with Jennifer Lopez has been on HBO like everyday and i have seen to toooo many times. Such a romantic sap am I. No a wedding planner would be fun but not my dream.

okays i am outta here because this day can only be soo bad and i have passed my quota of complaining for the day : )

<3 Sara

The current mood of Smd13210@yahoo.com at www.imood.com