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Discovery for June 17th 2002
written @ 9:12 p.m. on June 17, 2002

Discovery for June 17th 2002: I sound like I am retarded.

Todays discovery is brought to you by Ryan Downes. The clarinet section leader who shows concern and still manages to be a mean kid in the same night. Oh well at least he clarifyed that he didnt think I was retarded. Yes, I broke the whole you are supposed to be a home a week rule. I went to band. I didnt do anything...i clapped. that doesnt count cause i mean i just stood there being the human Dr Beat. Fun times. I only stayed an hour, but i talked more in that hour than i have all week. Which could be bad tomorrow. The wort part about my journey to rehearsal was that it was wet and rainy, which seeing as how i can run i was forced to walking in the torental pouring of rain! So now that i am at home I am in flannel PJs and a sweatshirt. I better not get any sicker because i want to go back to rehearsal tomorrow. : P Everyone needs to get home because i want to know what else happend at rehearsal tonight! I only was allowed to be there for an hour by the orders of Dr. Mom. Its okay though. Hopefully tomorrow will be more amusing. I should take pictures! LOL How about NO! And relive those fun slide show days!

Speaking of the slide show, to the few ex seniors who read this you orders are ready and i just have to sort through the senior pics which shouldnt be that hard and then get them to you : ) YIPPEE!

Okay that is all for tonight. It is nasty Cherry flavored medicine time!!!! BLEH

<3 Sara

The current mood of Smd13210@yahoo.com at www.imood.com