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Tonsillectomys cause alot of pain
written @ 9:44 p.m. on June 14, 2002

�Hola! I have no idea why this entry was starting to come out in Spanish. The only thing that i can think of that would factor to it would be that i got my tonsils out on Wednesday. I guess that whole being quiet in Spanish class thing has warped my brain to think that I can only speak in Spanish when it is quiet. I dunno some wierd freaky thing I guess.

Wednesday was the whole tonsillectomy deal. Might I say OWWWWWWWW!!!! I have never been in soooooo much pain in my entire life. Wednesday wasn't that bad i mean i was still seriously grogy from the anesthia, but by Thursday when the effects had worn off i felt like utter crap. I really love how Ryan and Pat wanted to know on Wednesday if i could play baseball with them. Are all males that dense? I mean i had only told Ryan 300 times that i was getting my tonsils out because i wanted to make sure that he ran the section in a semi-decent manner. Anyway Thursday was pure hell, i couldnt even handle drinking water or taking my medicine which burns like salt in a wound with out it comming back to visit me. It was awful. I spent most of the day in the bathroom vomitting or in bed asleep. (most likely from dehydration) Today i FINALLY made it to the point were i could choke down water and popsicles and to the point where i could sit up long enough to talk to the poor worried Christa online. LOL I <3 her. She called and talked to my mom twice in two days. Honestly i still feel like i have been hit by the same Mack Truck that drives through the horrendous marching band intervals. I hope i feel alot better for tomorrow because i have to make an apperance at a grad party. I mean, yeah sure I wont be able to do anything, and I most definately wont be able to utter 3 words before my throat starts to burn like hell again. I need to go though and at least be presentable. I honestly didnt think that having my tonsils out would hurt this badly. BOY WAS I EVER WRONG!! I seriously think that there should be a disclaimer warning people under the age of eleven not to get there tonsils out. My little bro is a eleven and he got his tonsils out too and he hasnt been in half as much pain as i have been in. Well the pain that died off for about an hour has made it self known again. Now i think i am going to go take some more of the medicine from hell and go to sleep. I mean that stuff totally wipes me out. Maybe another numbing popsicle would be nice...or even the annoying ice collar to lessen the swelling of my neck. Ahhh....to think all this pain is nessecary to never have another sore throat again. I mean isn't that a little contradictory seeing as how i am in mass amounts of pain? Okay now i am not even thinking properly definatly leaving now.

<3 Sara

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