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A day in the life of a procrastinator
written @ 9:50 p.m. on June 03, 2002

Today was momumental let me tell you. Wait...no it wasnt. I was only pretending that it was. Basically i wasted today studying for a World history test. I cant really say studying i rather should say procrastinating. I did alot procrastinating wise. LOL I woke up at like 9:30 and watched the end of Loser with Jason Biggs and that one chick. Then i went and made 50 flashcards (i attempted to copy all the vocab on flashcards..that isnt gonna happen). Then i decided to fold laundry lol i only had like a gigantic mound to do. I watch two old movies while doing this. They were actually quite comical i give them 2 thumbs up. Why cant new movies have great story lines to them? oh. lol look at the mad procrastinating skills as i am procrasting the rest of my entry. LOL soo after i watched the movies and did laundry i was getting the sandwhich fixings out of the fridge when the phone rings, (its 2:00ish) It was the new, one of two drum majors, Ivey Harrel. I like Ivey she is a cool one. I was on the phone with her for like an hour. LOL i was impressed that was hte longest i have been on the phone with anyone in years, and it origanialy should have been one of those quick phone calls too. We ended up talking about like everything. i think she was impressed that i had so much to say about band stuff. Hey i have sat back and watched for two years cause i felt like no one would listen anyway. Oh well so now is my time to shine. I am ready for junior year it is gonna rock. Every other normal person in this world is looking forward to summer lol. Well after i ate lunch i attempted to study again, but i felt like cooking brownies. Not that i need to eat any, Why is it that when i think i need to be dieting people try to fatten me up? Then i studyied till like 8. Then i got online where i have been ever since discussing the latest happening of the ELHS bnad couples. LOL I had a disscussion with Christa about the guys she see's worthy of me. LOL two whole guys. I <3 that girl. Then i talked to Julie N. about her and how she wanted me to talk to this guy for her and see what he thinks of her...come on you all should know the guy, and if you dont go back to October and see if you can figure it out. Hopefully this will not be a repeat of that. I love the kid yeah, but he does NOT like me, peoples get that through your heads and stop playing with mine! Well now i am writing in this procrasting on going to sleep which in turn will be a bad thing because i have to wake up and ride the bus, lol yes i have to wake up a whole 20 minutes earlier. KJ doesnt have any exams tomorrow : ( I am really gonna miss that kid when he isnt obligated to drive me anymore. He is a great friend. Well now i dont feel like procrastinating...I wonder how many times i used that word in this entry LOL. If i count them that would be procrastinating so no i am not going to do that. g'night

<3 Sara

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