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Hell on earth...wait, shouldnt that be heaven, nope it's hell
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#! buddies

.... and the bad news
written @ 2:30 p.m. on May 30, 2002

What Type of Villain are You?

mutedfaith.com /


Okay so i lied and never got back to you about the bad news. whatever i am sure there is going to be random complaining in this entry that could count as the bad news.

Tomorrow is the "last" day of school. ::sniff:: Buddies are leaving. I will no longer have a ride. WOOHOO back to the cheesewagon. oh yeah! I get to waste a weekend studying while those lucky seniors are out doing whatever. Tomorrow is also the band banquet. SHOOT ME NOW! I am gonna die when i get there anyway. I am really upset about the slide show. I personally dont think that everything is as peachy as i want it to be as of this moment...OHHHH I didnt mention that the real bad news was that there are some missing SENIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UHHHH.... If i get sick do you think anyone would actually miss this slide show? i dont. No one really needs to see it no matter how much they want to. If they are expecting something that is all nice and themed with the music they shouldnt because it isnt. it is uniquely me, julie and kirsten. AHhhhhh.... I am prolly going to be too sick to eat tomorrow between the slide show gayness and the leadership announcements. CRIKEY! I am going to go and talk to slide show Dan in like half an hour or so. I dont care how cute he may be i am still pretty ticked. Tomorrow is not going to be fun. Too much stuff to do. I am gonna start spazing i am sure and then ryan will start making fun of me...again.

If only there was more time....for the yearbook signings...for the memorizing of lines for english...for the writing of a speechy thing for the banquet...for raising money for a car...for relaxing...for partying...for enjoying life. If only....

Okay it is back to the depths of slide show hell. Ugh. i wish i could write an entry about somehting people actually want to read about...like my love life, but that is non existant. Execept that people seems to like people that i dont. One of the guys is really cute and the other is just my friend so there is nothing to write about.

Now i am really off to work. Oh did I mention i have to go to marching band rehersal and tolerate a bunch of new people with the old bunch who are driving me batty? Uhhh.... No really i am leaving now

<3 Sara

The current  



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