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POP DIASTER and slide show
written @ 3:01 p.m. on May 15, 2002

Last night was the Pop Diaster concert. It was sooo fricken awesome. Jimmy eat world and Blink were all good but Green Day rocked my socks. IT was sooo much fun up in a box with a bunch of middle schoolers lol. That was fun. you know it was Les. Floor seats would have been awesome, but i would be way more out of it today. I got home last night at about 12:52ish, VIP parking sure did make everything move a lot faster. The accident on hilsbourgh ave didnt help the proccess of getting home. Its rather funny cause three out of the four of us had to do that big ass spanish project. I being my lucky self got to stay home in the morning and work on it. where everyone else worked all night and sleep during hte day i did the opposite. i ended up going to school at 11 so i could turn it in. I seriously think Sra Farr follows absences when projects are due, it is absolutely crazy. Oh well it is done. It doesnt look as good as my others but once again oh well.

Alright... the slide show. This situation has gotten crazy. It was done and give to the guy when i get an email saying that it is going to cost about 150$ more because it is really long. So my options pay for it to be long, cut 150 pics, or do it myself. I have my mind made up and i will not be forced into changing it no matter how mad or upset or frustrated it will make the others in my "group". It isnt there neck on the line its MINE!

I am going to cut the pics out. I can think of a couple places that is long and boring and personally i think some of the pics should have to go anyway because they are not exactly what i would want to look at in a slide show. Reasons for cutting the pics are as follows:

I dont have the time to do it all my self.

I dont have 150 extra dollars to spend.

I dont particularly want to be in deep shit if something else goes wrong if i was to have a group and do it ourselfs.

Oh not to mention the fact that me and this guy have been talking about doing this since the beginning of the year and from the start he told me he i would have to decide quick because he would need the 3 weeks reserved for me to do someone elses slide show.

Thats it, that is what I, not anyone else is going to do.

Okay i gotta run sooooooo much homework to do.

<3 Sara

::insert smiley with stressed here::

(the page was down)