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#! buddies

Paul, leaders, and three drowned rats
written @ 6:28 p.m. on April 17, 2002

Today was an adventure. Well...maybe more not, rather just a busy day. Okay, school sucked. This afternoon there was a leadership mtg for band. Stupid me i forgot to tell KJ about it so i had to walk to the absolute fartherest spot from the band room to tell him that i didnt need a ride. I get back to the band room and i am like okay i am ready for this. I see a person that at first i was like okay why is everyone crowded around him. it was Paul. He graduated last year and went into the Marines i believe. of course i didnt get to talk to him, but it was great to see him. He's grown up, no more skinny Paul. He looks great, short hair and all. I miss him soo much. He is one of the people i miss the most. He made my freshman year bearable first semester i mean no one really had my lunch and he was awesome engough to let me sit with him and his friend Alex. I liked him at one point last year, but it was more like a love for an awesome friend than being madly in love with him. My mom says he came to the school last night because he thought rehersal was still 6 to 9 and that she saw him during the Booster mtg and that he was in his dress uniform. I would've loved to have seen that.

Okay anyways....Leadership 101. Geesh. Had to listen on the ways that the positions for next year were going to be chosen, voting, essay and interview. Funness. I dont nesciarially think voting is the way to go cause alot of it is friends and oh well i guess since that person is older they have more of the qualifacations to be this or that. Hmmm.... there were some at the mtg that wanted to get rid of section leaders. Could you see everyone thinking that they had the power to rule over everyone else? it is bad engouh already but i think you need section leaders so that the poor freshmen dont overwhelm one person or are overwelhmed by the rest of the band trying to help them, which the "help" ends up hindering them. Julie (clarinet julie) and i learned this at the parade when she had everbody telling her what to do. Anyways so that was how the mtg went a game of ping pong and the ideas went bouncing off the sides.

After the meeting, Shane volunteered to run mutes up to Carwise Middle School so i went with him and kirsten cause i wanted to warn Mr Edwards that my brother was comming up next year and i wanted to see how he was doign after the death of his colliege Mr Stoval. He is exicicted that the entire east lake band is going to see them perform tomorrow. So after we leave Carwise and are on Tampa Rd. thisguy in the car next to us motions that Shane's car has a flat. So off to the Texaco across the street from Target we go. I call her mom cause we changed a flat not to long ago and i was like i dont see a lugbolt remover. So she comes and was gonna change the tire and all and then shane was like no cause my mom blah blah blah and i dont want anything else to get yelled at for. Kirsten and i leave and now i am home. BTW. it was raining well pouring when we left East Lake so we were drowned rats while all this was occuring.

Well i am off now. Another Spanish project to start and of course the never ending slide show. : )

<3 Sara

The current mood of Smd13210@yahoo.com at www.imood.com