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I recommend not messing with me today
written @ 8:57 p.m. on April 04, 2002

Okay heres the scoop i just got home from school and it is 8:57PM. I have been at school for over 12 hours. It seems as the time that Renee P., Renee F., Kirsten and Shane, Danni and I spent at school cleaning the band room was probably waste. let me rephrase that tearing down and rebuilding. Hang Pictures, putting up trophies, throwing away really nasty shakos (hats for you non band nerds), a desk and numerous papers and food articles. We cleaned the uniform room and believe me that was a feat in itself. The guard room too. Geez That room is *HUGE* now that alot of the crap is gone. Well anyways. At rehersal Mr Barnes points out to everyone that we, those named above, stayed to clean and that we needed to be thanked. Right after that Melissa and Erik go off on how that the tape calander that we put back on the board after it being gone since carbone left was going to be a bitch to get down. Well so.... we tackled the rest of the damn room and i didnt see anyone else who had the motavation to do anything without being told. So anyway we, make that I, took all the books out of all the places where a text book could be in put them in stack by name. Certian people who occupy the space called the low brass room (which i found to be the messiest) PUT THEIR BOOKS BACK IN THE ROOM!!!! ARGH!!!! How is it fair that the Low brass has a room to keep thier ish but yet everyone else doesnt have anywhere to keep thier stuff?? Hmmmmm, oh that is cause it ISNT! Once again this hail the mighty brass player needs to stop. We arent gonna have TWO percussion like cults in band.

Well now that i have wasted my day at school i have to go get some work done >:-( Darn Projects shoot me. I dont have time for this. OH yea the slide show dude emailed me and was like could you start getting me pictures within the next two weeks. I am going CRAZY! I dont think i am going to be able to do this!


The current mood of Smd13210@yahoo.com at www.imood.com