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#! buddies

Please let me sit at the adult table, PLEASE!
written @ 4:17 p.m. on March 28, 2002

Hey there!

I survived the part of my spring break that was spent at my grandmas. I say that i survived because i am extremely allergic to her dogs, cute little miniture daushounds one is a chihahau mixed one. If any of you have seen my hands when they are broken out in that obnoxious rash i get, they were ten times worse while i was there.(reason that i got to come home a day early) I arrived home yesterday but i didnt do much except sleep.

Today i took advantage of the glorious Florida weather. When i left southern Alabama yesterday it was 40 degrees. Too cold for me. I washed and vaccummed my moms car and then layed out by my pool. I must say for spending 5 or so hours in the sun today i am not that badly burned. Well except for the tops of my feet. OHHHHH! Maybe that means my sock line is gone!!!!!!!!! (i doubt it).

Lessons i have learned this week:

Never take anything for granteed. I see where i live and then see how memebers of my extended family live and that makes me realize that i should be forever indebted to my parents because they made a better life for me than i could be living. And when Mr Barnes says that there are bands around you that arent as privalleged, know how lucky you are that you are in such a great one. The bands and schools in Southern Alabama, even the one that is comperable to East Lake leaves a lot to be desired.

Please remind me to never bring my boyfriend to a family get together, and if i do dont let me ignore the people that i see once maybe twice a year. i sat through dinner on Saturday night with my cousin and her boyfriend, and my other cousin and hardly had a word said to me. I cant wait for the day when i have been promoted to the "adult" table. Lizzie is great but we sure didnt talk much at dinner. I began to wonder how long it would be until i choked due to the lovey-doveyness that was going on with my other cousin Hannah and her boyfriend Chris.( that is all that i know about him) It was sickening. The worst part about it was that i couldnt joke off them as i do with my other friends that are couples for fear that i might offend them. Oh My! I definiatly wouldnt want that to happen. i am glad to be back home.

A look ahead:

Tonight: i should be going to Christas and hanging out

Tomorrow: going to christas church with Christa to see the easter play that Pat and Ryan are in. (should be interesting seeing as Ryan told me he didnt want me to go)

Thats as far as this look ahead can go cause i dont know what else i am gonna be doing this week. Tara, dont worry i have some phone time set aside for you!

<3 Sara