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#! buddies

sweet, sticky, yummy delicious, mmmmm....DONUTS
written @ 7:07 p.m. on March 18, 2002

DUDE!!!!! I LOVE..........KRISPY CREME DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh..... If i went to Clearwater High school i would be the size of the freaking yellow school bus. Its like less than a mile away from the krispy creme. I would be there everyday, especially for the now hot glazed donuts. Better yet i would be working there. I love hot glazed donuts. okay now.....moving on.

Today i discovered that this guy who i think is really cute and sweet, is friends with Christa. (He is a junior, not a freshman like her). So anyway i find this hilarious because in the beginning of the year she liked Ryan who was and still i guess is onr of my really good friends and now i like one of her really good family friends. Unfortunatly i think this is not gonna work out but that is okay i mean when does anything work out for me. I just think that he is cute.

OH YEAH!!!! Why am i see as matchmaker to my friends? This year hasnt been as bad as last year but still why? It just seems to be the trend that the guys that I like always seem to come to me to hook them up with my friends. Not that the person that is hinting now is someone i like like that cause it isnt like that. I find this rather annoying because me, liking the guy as a friend feels obligated to not be the bearer of bad news and tell them that it isnt going to happen and to not even try. Ugh.

I just realized that is we have 4 weeks till the Atlanta trip, I only have 4 weeks to have the slide show completed. CRAP! Why did i pick this position? I do want this position next year. No Way. I want to be something that is worth being like section leader or woodwind captin (i guess that i am not going to switch to brass) ANYWAYS... ANYONE WHO WANTS TO HELP WITH THE BLOODY SLIDE SHOW CONTACT ME ASAP!!!! If i didnt take such demanding classes i would definately have more time to do stuff like this. (BTW, the spanish project that i worked till midnightlast night for the teacher wasnt even here to collect it.)

Well i am gonna run. Leave me a note in the guestbook. Later

<3 Sara