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I should have taken a sick day
written @ 3:55 p.m. on March 04, 2002

I feel icky. I dont know why i went to school today. i was really dizzy and shaking when i woke up. I managed to get to school and through most of first period (algebra 2 of course) before i had to leave class and puke. Ah that was fun ick. Hopefully the math stuff is easy cause i really wasnt paying any attention today. I dont know why i cant bring myself to stay at home or even keep myself from doing stuff like playing in band. I told Ryan that i was sick and i had thrown up and he was like DUDE go home dont play tell mr barnes you dont feel good and go sleep and i was like no. i dont know why i cant seem to bring myself to stop working. oh well.

FBA (band funness) is in like two weeks and i feel like nothing is getting done. URGH i am as guilty as everybody else is because i dont have the time or the energy to practice. I just wish everyone had a better attitude about everything. I am really getting sick of it. i mean why should i "waste" my time doing band with a bunch of people who probably wouldnt notice if i was gone when i could be doing something else. I guess it is time to prioritize my life. If i dropped band as a class could i still march and be in the ensemble? Hmmmmmm...i need to figure this out because there are a ton of classes that i want to take. Sorry i cant be a slacker it doesnt work for me : ) Cause then i get bored and when i get bored i get depressed. Whatever i am just rambling now and i have nothing to ramble about. Not even any guy problems.



Horoscope for Monday March 4th 2002:

The connections you make will offer you the encouragement you need, but don't expect to receive hands:on help.