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Who would have guessed that
written @ 9:17 a.m. on March 03, 2002

Saturday was soo much fun. Who would have expected a school function to be soo amusing. For spanish extra credit Leslie and I went to Osceola High school for the Forgien Lanuage Cultural day. Ha we got lost getting there. Thanks to the crappy map that we had. When we were there we ate a whole bunch of cultural food and showed off our spanish skills. Haha what skills? I did an extemporaneous speech, i wasnt aware that we had to give one but i got a superiror anyway. After the cultural nonsense at the school that smelled funny. Lesile, Nick and I went to the Steak and Shake by the mall. Fun Stuff. Who knew that with one little fry a whole disatrous event would occur. No there wasnt a food fight. I really dont get what the whole fascination with stuffing a bunch of stuff in a class and making a disgusting conocotion. ICk. i feel for whoever cleaned after us. Besides the fact that we are poor and had nothing to leave for a tip.

The weekend will still go down in the book as sucky. Because friday well i dont want to revist that day and now Sunday i am sick. Urgh i dont want to go to school tomorrow. Well i do but just to Chemistry. : ) No reason at all. And the Spanish because i think that those of us who went to the cultural day have to demonstrate the Ti chi (or however you spell it) that senora farr taught us, well maybe that is a reason not to go.