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#! buddies

written @ 7:56 p.m. on February 26, 2002

Well hey there you spiffy dairy readers.

I am afriad that i dont have anything to spiffy to tell you. I mean i dont have the most interesting life in the whole wide world.

Anyways here is what is going on.

Finally someone has figured out what is up with me being sick with a really sore throat all the time. I have acute tonsilitis. As of this moment i can deal with minimal pain all the time or have my tonsils out, but getting them out would invovle two weeks of little talk, no band and one week of no school. I honestly cant say that I want to miss a week of school at this moment.

In English class we are doing the Of Mice and Men trial. Wooohooo group, well class project that is the major grade for the six weeks. Meaning last hour i have to cooperately work with a bunch of idiots. Oh well at least the trial started today. I am the sheriff of Salinas county. Oh yes my favorite part of this is that we have to dress the part. I am wearing my dads military blues with a skirt. i would be wearing his pants but they fall off and the attempt to tie them to my waist failed.

So today started the trial but wait of course last hour would be the hour that we had a fire drill. Oh hooray. I was in my sheriffs outfit all ready to go and we had to go stand out side for like ten minutes. I was getting looks like i was an alien, a hot alien i guess. i dunno. i was like ick away. This stupid oufit caused me problems, the idiot guys were like oh i want to change, of course they are wearing flannel and jeans. I ended up going to the end of the student parking lot in a dressy skirt, vans (no more dress shoes), and a sweatshirt to cover up to blues. I found KJ and he gave me this look like what i dont remember a skirt. hahaa. It was hot, i complained and he was like uh yeah sweatshirt and i was like i have on military blues and he was like really so i had to show him of course. uh i got some really funny looks. OHHH then we stopped at the post office and this old guy saw me in the uniform and gave me the nastiest look. I told my mom and she was like the probably noticed the Lt. Col bars and then notcied that you were alot younger than him and he never made it that high. So that was day one of the OM&M trial.

OHHHHHHYEAH... Band. SO we had rehearsal and somehow Ryan figured out that i liked KJ. the whole evening he was like yelling his name i must have been bright red. Ryan was like dont worry i bet no on knows him. So then Brian Demaso comes over after hearing him yell about KJ was like what about KJ and i thought i was gonna have to kill Ryan but he was ACTUALLY nice to me today and didnt say anything. (i bet he is only being nice to me cause he wants to challange me and bet the crap outta me. Whatever its band and i dont know how much longer i am gonna be putting up with it.)

Well maybe i had more spiffy stuff to tell you than i thought : )

Sleepy time

<3 Sara