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#! buddies

The Ultimate Reason?
written @ 8:32 p.m. on February 06, 2002

I had to put this in here cause i am thinking that this has everything in the world to do with my occassional pissy moods.

Top 13 Things PMS Stands For:

13. Psychotic Mood Shift

12. Pack My Stuff

11. Permanent Menstrual Syndrome

10. Perpetual Munching Spree

9. Puffy Mid-Section

8. People Make Me Sick

7. Provide Me with Sweets

6. Pardon My Sobbing

5. Pimples May Surface

4. Pass My Sweatpants

3. Pissy Mood Syndrome

2. Plainly Men Suck

1. Pass My Shotgun

There was a whole entry i was gonna add cause i was bored and i felt like writing during Algebra 2. I pretty much have to translate my crappy handwriting and now i as read over it i am just not in the mood to write everything it said. Sorry but no. I'll write about somehting else

Isn't it great how you go to school and find out a teacher whom like everyone is close to has mono? Hmmm....interesting stuff. Hopefully that is not why i have been continually sick since like the beginning of January. That would suck. Imagine all the band nerds that would be sick with me. ::shudders:: I offically stop sharing beverages and stuff of that nature tonight. If any of you see me doing that please smack me! Thanks : )Getting sicker than i already am would be very very bad.

Its February. And it seems to me like a lot of people seem to be wanting to find me a man. Direct quote from Kirsten, "Sara, you need a man! Right Shane?" Then Stephanie chimes in "yes, yes" Rambling continues on between them. Urgh. i dont think hooking me up is the way to go. So i am spending another Valentines day single. No biggie. Slade and i are gonna have some kind of celebration, invovling the self check outs at Kmart and some Ben and Jerrys. Yummmy. Oh yes i must not forget to mention how valentines day falls on a thursday which is inevitably a band day!! Whoopee. Three hours with lovey dovey couples! I'd rather be at home taking a hot bubble bath and getting fat off chocolate, and moping about the non existance of my love life. Hahaahaa.

Hmmmm.... Ryan have best done the Spanish homework cause i didnt crack a book today and i cant even say that is was cause i was practicing, wasnt that. Definatly the run i went on, I just about died. No more running until i am completely better. That was painful. I thought i was gonna pass out. That would have been bad, reasons that i do not care to get into at the moment, but do invovle a certian person.

Nothing else to say, tomorrow may even be boringer (i dont even think that is a word). Maybe something good will happen! Like me clearing up something i have to take care of with this guy perhaps. I doubt it but hey there is always a chance that i have to search the neighborhood for my brother ; )

Alrighty, I am going to stop this mindless chatter.


<3 ya
