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Hell on earth...wait, shouldnt that be heaven, nope it's hell
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#! buddies

Just about as obvious as Jennie.
written @ 5:21 p.m. on February 04, 2002

Leave it to two freshman to figure out that i like KJ. Ah thats why they have been laughing at me for the last couple of days. Whatever. They were like yeah we noticed you flirting with him and we were all like oh baby. Ah freshmen are crazy, Especially these two. Walking home the other day KJ and I went the short cut and they were like "No sex in the woods." I must have turned some wierd color pink cause they were like you are blushing. I was not its a sunburn. LOL I love being sunburnt. Adrianna and Erica were all like its cute if you like him cause you two would look really cute together. I would rather not hear people say stuff like that cause i am like a hopeless romantic at heart and stuff like that only leads me to fall even harder in the end, I mean i know that it isnt gonna happen to begin with but still i guess i get my hopes up or whatever. ::Sigh:: Oh well. Alright i have got to go cause i have a ton of stuff to do.