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Predictable or what?
written @ 5:31 p.m. on February 02, 2002

I think that this has to have been one of the best weeks I have had in a long time. Well...minus a couple of events. Like school. LoL school just plain sucked this week. School, Homework, Band, Project, Florida Writes, Fcat. yeah school sucked but the bus rides now that is another story. I have hated riding the bus but like the last week it is what helped me get through my English class. Ahhh... I like him soo much. The feelings probably arent mutual but that is okay. Cause its kool to have a guy i can talk to and have him be living across the street. I just hope it doesnt turn out like Ryan where we fight more than we get along. Someone asked us if we had been friends all our lifes and hung out all the time and we look at each other and were like no. I love how like everybody who knows him is like he never talks. Ryan was like i would always try to talk to him and he wouldnt talk. I find that funny cause we talk all the time. I mean i went to Target today with Christine and he was checking us out and he just kept talking, although i cant find the recept and i kinda need that. Maybe that was just cause he was happy that he got his truck today? I dunno. But then why would he have mentioned that we could go to the movies or something when he got it cause he didnt like going with his parents and his friends wouldnt/couldnt go with him? Its weird, sweet and different all at the same time. I havent felt like this about someone in a really really long time. Okay i'll move on cause i know like the whole 2 people who read this dont wanna read any more.

This weekend has been kool. No band little homework, weaseled out of chores. Hehee. Last night Christa and I went to the mall and the movies and spent the night at her house. SOOOO MUCH FUN. We saw A walk to remember. It is absoulutely the sweetest movie. Total chick flick though. Be sure to take your tissues. I teared up and i am not one to cry during that kinda stuff. SHANE WEST AHHH TOTAL HOTTIE! Mandy Moore didnt do a bad job, just made it a little hard to believe that someone who is a pretty as her was the person that wasnt popular. I really want to read that book.

Today I went home, showered and then went to the movies again. Oh well i didnt space my weekend out well enough but that is okay. Christine and I went and saw the Mothman Prophecies. Wierd wierd movie. Recommended to us by one of her friends cause it was really really good according to her. We didnt like it. Richard Gere made it bearable. I was weird and then i was once again to predict what was gonna happen. I think i need to just stop going to see movies untill i forget every possible plot because everyone seems to think that i have already seen the movies cause i can sit there and tell you what happens before it does.

Okay well that is all that i can think to say. besides i have to go call the guy who is gonna be doing the slide show, I cant seem to get a hold of him.