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#! buddies

This could be interesting
written @ 6:32 p.m. on January 17, 2002

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Huge sigh of relief. EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Phew! I can get some sleep now, and maybe get better. Being all stressed out made me get sick. ::showing great anger to Brandon who started it all:: Yeah so the plans i had for this four day weekend are kinda shot cause well my buddy slade is ill too. FEEL BETTER CHICA! Oh well being sick gives me a chance to sleep alot and not be yelled at to stop wasting daylight.

THREE DAYS!!!!! To blast as well as my birthday. I CANT BELIEVE MY MOM FORGOT ABOUT THE TICKETS!!!!!!! ARGH!!!! Now i dont know why i am excited i mean i have no plans. everyone is like busy or not home. and it is the middle of January and there is nothing to do. Oh well... I can legally go out with guys and not have to explain to my parents that it isnt a "date". Yhey never believed me anyway. It isnt like there is a line of people that want to go out with me. I guess i should just get a job. ha good plan and go work with that one guy that i was talking about yesterday in spanish. Ooops why did i just mention that oh well. The whole entry in spanish, if you really want to know what i said just ask me cause a translator is gonna mess it up majorly.

Alrighty. i think i am going to be learing a new instrument. this could be intersesting. Who knows. Maybe this could even be fun and exciting. LOL Naw i doubt that it is like band, how fun and how exciting could it possibly be?

::busts out laughing::

Okay i have to go cause i have a letter to type up.


<3 ya
