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Come on now, really would i do this?
written @ 9:11 p.m. on January 11, 2002

Hmmm.... To top off an well.. lets just say interesting week I decided to change my template. I dunno how much I like this one.

I thought this week was never going to end. It seemed as though the days kept getting longer. Monday was the first day back to school after break, which is probably why this week was so terrible long. Pretty much in school all we did was cram in last minute tests and do reviews. Exams are next week. SOMEBODY...ANYBODY...SHOOT ME NOW!

I have to take my chemistry, algebra2 and Spanish 4 exam. If you dont shoot me now i am STILL going to end up dying. Exams are what are causing me not to be able to go out this weekend cause if i do horrible on them my parents will be like its because we let you go out so you dont get to go out till your grades get back up. URGH. Yeah so i know you dont want to hear about exams cause i dont want to talk about them.

Thursday, i guess was the "offical" start of the concert band season. Rehersal was from 6 to 9. Goodness. it seems to be A LOT shorter when you are marching. I was getting really bored and my mouth was going numb. Hey that is my own fault for not practicing except once over the break.

Hmmm... I think that that is all that went on this week in the way of school stuff. OHHHHHHHH... I rememeber now. I was evicted from the locker that i have been using since the beginning of the year. I started out with a bottom locker, but it turned out i knew the person above me so i moved all my stuff in there cause she had like one book. Now it is like almost second semester and there was this note in the locker saying you have two weeks to get your stuff and find a new locker. I was like Woohoo an excuse to leave, cause i was wanting to leave but never got around to it. Which leaving this locker was a wonderful thing, because now i dont have to see the people who drive me insane(a differnt story entirely, hold on). So I moved in with my good friend Slade, Tara, I love her she is the bestest! She saved me from having to use the bottom locker underneath the people i really cant stand. Okay so there is the eviction story, on to story number two involeing the ex locker people.

Okay, so it monday, the first day of school after break, i am tried, my skin was peeling off and i was tired off school already. Its lunch time i walk into the band room and EJ comes up to me and was like "Sara, i heard that over break you fucked a guy you went out with and only knew for one day, He's a football player right?" I was like uh..no.I didnt even bother to ask him how he heard of from who cause I knew exactly who the culprets were. I love how you don't talk to people and you try to completely let them realize that you want to have nothing to do with them, (reason i was glad to move out of the locker) and they STILL spread stuff about you. It started as a joke between Lauren, a cheerleader chick, and me. (notice that they are not mentioned anywhere in this joke) So Lauren is with me when EJ was telling me all this and i was just like HUH? so Lauren went and yelled at the girls who we will call Lauren and Amy, as well Nate, who why he was there who knows. Lauren(good, wow it feels wierd calling Lauren evil the good lauren) was like "why are you saying this you all know it isnt true yadda yadda yadda" And then Lauren (evil) was like "its her reputation, not mine." (How hypocritical is this????) AAH i dont get these people. Lauren(good) comes back and tells me all this and i was pissed, but being me i wasnt gonna do anything about it. Yeah. then after school Lauren(evil) comes up to me and was like "i want you to know that it wasnt me who started or spread any of that" i was like "whatever i have to go". Blew her off. I am sorry but if you dont like shit said about you then why go behind others?? So i had to dispell this rumor like a thousand times. All i have to say is GROW UP! Come on now people, its me. would i do that with just anyperson? uh no. Yeah so this was the event that led up to the evicition notice in my locker. Fun times.

Wait, I said this week was interesting but i left out the most interesting part. The 15 year old freshman Charles Bishop (suicide plane boy) did in fact attend the same East Lake high school that i go to. That situation hit close to home. A couple of my friends had classes with him and never would have thought that he would do something like this. I am thinking that it was right before we went back to school and he realized that exams were comming up. The poor kid had Mrs Henry. Thank God i didnt have her, i would have died, just like how i am dying with Pritchard. But yeah so that whole Charles Bishop deal added, a note of choas to ELHS. TV crews, national exposure, i even think some dude from Japan came. I dunno.

Alrighty so i have to finish this cause people want to read it.

