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What I Did On My Winter Vacation: A collection of Apologies
written @ 8:35 p.m. on January 05, 2002

What I Did On My Winter Vacation: A collection of Apologies (A take off on the summer vacation story written every year)

I definatly can say that these two weeks have been quite eventful. From having company for a week, seeing my best friend and realizing how we are nothing alike, to the rekindling of a friendship that was long lost, to the friendships that were forever changed in the last days of break, the people I have hurt, the kitchen i almost burned down, and the mistakes i have made showing people that i want to live my own life and not have them live ti for me.

First off I want to apoligize to certian people who are mad because of an "Auhbrey/Bridget" (not a threesome or a lesbian thing) incident. (If you arent directly involved then please dont ask.) I am sorry that you were upset in such a way that you wouldnt even give me the cance to explain that the whole incident wasnt my idea and i didnt really like the whole idea and i felt awful as the events occured. I didn't do it to make you hate me or even to make your "girlfriend" hate me in fact I wanted to make sure that niether of you got hurt. If I really and truely hated you there are definatly worse things that i could do. So if you read this please at least give me the chance to apologize, just apologize it'll even be okay if you still never want to speak to me again. (To the "girlfriend"(you know who you are) if you read this could you please tell your "boyfriend" I'm sorry.) It's looking like the extent of this entry is going to be me apologize to people that i have unintentionally hurt.

To the person I have/or may have given a false sense of hope or like feeling. I am so incredibly sorry. I feel now like I have lost a great friend and I really didn't want that to happen. I have to make some changes in my own life. I'm sorry, I hope we can still be good friends.

To EVERBODY who has put up with me the last couple of weeks, well maybe months when I haven't been the "nicest person in the world" or when i was incredibly distanced from everyone. Thank you all for putting up with my crap. Since we have entered a new year i am gonna and change that and make it up to all of you.

Tomorrow is the last day of break and hopefully I wont screw up any more lives or come close to destroying kitchens. Yeah I managed to cause a minor grease explosion. Do not place water in a pot of grease. I was gonna wash the pot like the day before yesterday and i got water in the pot before i realized what it was and then i put the pot back on the stove. Then today my mom went to fry up some eggrolls using the leftover grease, and well it kinda exploded and made a huge mess all over the kitchen which I have the honor of cleaning tomorrow. Along with the homework and practicing that I have put off for two weeks.

This Just In (well... sorta)..... A plane has crashed into a building in Tampa, more specifically the Bank of America building. This time it is much closer to home, about 45 minutes or so less on a good day. Then it hits closer to home, the pilot was 15 (Charles J. Bishop) and he went to MY high school! East Lake high school, whodathunk that? Shocker! From the name i dont think i knew him. but there is the posiblity that I have passed him in the halls before. As much as i love newscasters bringing in important information, is it really necessary to give away all the details of the local military base and thier position in this war on terrorism?

More info later..Maybe if i am not too busy cleaning. ; )