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#! buddies

written @ 7:29 p.m. on December 10, 2001

Whatever.... i said i wouldnt add this entry cause it was deleted but i guess i can spare the time to type it again. (cant really but that's okay)

Its only Monday and i am already totally stressed out. this week is only going to get worse. Dont be surprised if you see me sleeping in class cause it will prolly be the only chance i have to get any sleep. Oh i am supposed to be at the library right now, but that is kinda hard to do when you have a bazillion things to be doing.

The rest of the week is as follows,

Tuesday: Spanish Test, i have no idea what is going on either. Band rehearsal, both esembles 2:30-5:00, Oh but wait the CMS bnad concert is at 7:00 and i am pretty sure we have to stay and watch that, so that means i have going to be at the school for over 12 hours!!!!! Urgh, feel free to come rescue me so i can get something to eat. PLEASE!!!

Wensday: Spanish Field Trip to the Salvador Dali and Fine Arts museums. and an orthodontist appointment at 3:45. This is possibly as free as my week will get.

Thursday: Half day, the only real perk of the week, WAIT no not really cause i have band from 12 -2 so i really dont get to go home early.

Friday: Maybe i should just get sick this day? Chemistry test (of course it is the major one of the 6weeks), World history project is due and oh by the way guess who hasnt started that. oh yeah that would be me, english vocab test, Algebra 2 test and my A is well back to a low B, Salvador Dali project, and best of all the BAND CONCERT!!! ARGH, and on top of that my mom told someone that i would babysit for them. So while everyone else goes out after the concert i am going to be babysiting after the what seems to be becomming one of the most stressful week of my life.

Someone PLEASE tell me when i am supposed to squeeze everything i have to do into these 4 days, When am i suposed to do the make up work since i am missing wensday? How about my histroy project i havent started? Argh.. wait when am i supposed to practice my parts that i dont have down? Okay well i have to go cause i am starting those projects right now. FIRST MILLENIUM AD HERE I COME! UP NEXT SALVADOR DALI!



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