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Adoption is an Option!
written @ 9:25 a.m. on December 01, 2001

My parents have offically lost it. They typed up these fun chore sheets for me and my little brother and I was like what the balls! I do my chores and they are all like not without us asking a hundred times and I, (being stupid)say that i dont have time for all this crap cause i have school and all. GRRR.... they drive me insane. My mom wouldnt let me go out last night until i washed the car i was like this is bullshit but okay so i went out and scrubed the front of the car where the damn bugs were. Today i got up and my mom was all dont forget about your chores i was the WTF. Oh well. I guess my mom has decided that she doesnt get the respect she deserves :P BLAH. I sware if they would loosen up maybe it be kooler.

Always remember Adoption is an option when you have kids. okay that was just random complaing.

Once again nothing is going on and what is going on i REALLY dont feel like talking about, cause talking makes everything worse in most occasions, especailly when what is said really shouldnt be said in the first place. So i am shutting up now.

I am bored. WoW, that is nothing new. Boredom + Sara's life = Depression

Yeah there is a sucky equation.

whatever i am leaving cause i have no more to say. (Tara, when are we getting together)