#! navigate
my fans

#! stalk me

#! what you missed
Hell on earth...wait, shouldnt that be heaven, nope it's hell
Yes, I am a nerd
Working Hard
Dropped, dont bother picking me up

#! buddies

A bunch of nothing
written @ 6:20 p.m. on November 28, 2001

Absolutely NOTHING is going on with me, at the moment. Well... except for the fact that AOL has misplaced my buddy list so i dont know if anyone is online. Grrr evil computer related program. and the fact that I have NO money. I think it is time to tell Steph that i will no longer be eating lunch because i must scrimp and save every last penny that i have. (yes, it is sad i know, My mom makes me pay for lunches)

Recap time:

Monday: I cant remeber so why bother trying to say what happend. OH YEAH the auditions were postponed!!!!! Still heed my advice and NEVER EVER wait till the last minutes to practice. It only causes more stress. Then i want to the library. Gotta get those volunteer hours somewheres.

Tuesday: Concert Band rehersal. OH buddy, that was some interesting stuff. It sounds a little better than last year. but wait that was prolly cause like it was mainly Windensemble and concert band marchers at rehersal. It should be interesting

Wensday: Today. Wow whats there to say, except that Aol is being a pain and that i have a crap load of test tomorrow and friday and i have to stay after school untill 6 tomorrow. ick i dont want to think about it that is wayyy to much time at school.

Once again i think i have overextended myself again with school and band and church and chores and everything i have to do. The stress is killing me. I am gonna have an ulcer one day soon. Eepp that would be icky to. Hmmm i think i am gonna find a way to add a to do list to the page to help keep my mind in order.

HMMMMmmmmm..... Other than that people keep asking me who i like? Why should i say anything it causes more problems than i like to deal with. then again there is the fact that i cant think of that one specific person that i am madly in love with (heres a first). But i guess that being single really isnt all that bad, i havent died yet have i? Nope i dont think it is gonna kill me to be single. In fact stress is gonna kill me long before being single does.

I have nothing more to say. Maybe i will think of something more amusing for you all to read later.

Later Alligators
