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Weekend update
written @ 3:41 p.m. on November 18, 2001

This is my weekend. Not that exciting but yet not all that boring at all. Best of all there was not a single band thing that caused me to miss my beloved sleep!

Friday: I went to the movies and spent the night over at Christa's. She is such a sweetie! She reminds me of someone, cant figure out who though. We saw Monsters Inc. That has to be the most adorable movie, awwww i loved it. I am gonna buy it on video when it comes out.

Saturday: I spent the whole day vaccumming and washing cars. other than that i cant remember what i did. I know i wasnt online at all. Oh yeah i went to Super Walmart (heehee) that is a fun place.

Today: So far i have gone to church. It was actually okay today i didnt leave youth, wanting to kill them. Amanda and the two spify girls from North Dakota have actually convinced me that i should go back tonight and go to some fellowship. I am shocked that i agreed. But i guess if they are going then it should be okay. (should is the key).

Amanda and I decided that we are gonna talk to the choir dude at my church (or whoever is in charge of the praise band thing) cause we want to be apart of it. yeah i didnt want to do that unless someone went with me. Solo preformances are not my thing. Right now there is a trumpet dude and that is about all so Amanda and I are gonna try and join with out flutes and clarinets. (this should be interesting).

Auditions are in one week from tomorrow. i think that this is the first time i have ever worried this much about a band audition. i really shouldnt worry about it cause it is just going to make everything worse.

Alrighty that is all i have to say
