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#! buddies

Haunted house. Bitch fest,
written @ 12:00AM on October 26, 2001

I have developed a new habit, i have to put everyitng down on paper or i cant sleep. Its late im tired so i doubt this makes sense

Its Friday... I got up, went to school and suffered awhile. After school Jennie, Tara, and I had a "bitch" fest. It turned into an eat untill you cant eat anymore! ice cream, pizza, donuts, cookies, pretty much everything and anything. Heehee it was fun we definiatly need to do it again.

5:00PM rolls around and the three of us head to the haunted house. The effects from the sugar kicked in. Oh Boy.. best not have got in our way. I felt like crap, blah. I dunno i eat alot of sugar and then i crash real quick. I considered purging and was then like uh no what was the point of eating if i am just gonna do that? exactly no point.

Its Midnight, now and i still feel icky, no more food for me. Its was also freezing. I only had on shorts and a shirt. The haunted house was fun. I got to be the poltergist girl and wear a blonde wig. i am definatly not going blond. :) I got to say "They're Here" in a creepy voice it was kool. I am losing my voice thought. At one point in the night i was doing my thing and i went to turn around and fidget was sitting right next to me i was like ah and started laughing. it was like wait you arent supposed to be there.

Tomorrow i get to go homecomming dress shopping. I honestly dont know why i am going.

i gotta go more later buh bye