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Life sucks get a helmet
written @ 8:28 p.m. on October 28, 2001

Friday i got a note (i found it today when i was doign laundry) from Christa and she was all Ryan blah blah blah blah Homecoming blah blah blah blah and oh by the way he has known you have liked him since 8th grade. I was just like UH NO when i read it. For the record, i did not like him in 8th grade. I liked this guy whom we will just call "Tommy" (lauren gets it and that is all that matters) and the year before i liked Joey and Mike.. Hmmm i dont see the name Ryan anywhere. Whatever.... He needs to read this, but he doesnt go online. Honestly i dont like him, in fact has been a real jerk lately. He was like my brother wait no my best friend, i cared for him in that way. Going out with him would be right. I guess in everything i told him it didnt come out right. It came out i like you like you. All guys are morons. If you are a guy please dont say you arent cause i dont want to even go there.

Why do i put up with this? In fact why am i still around? There is no point in putting up with this crap any more cause that is all anything seems to be anymore crap. Its still like when i first moved here and i felt alone, except now it is worse cause there are always tons of people around and i feel even more alone. Oh well. Life sucks get a helmet. I think it is time for me to do something dramtic although i have no idea what. I am sure i will come up with something. I am tired and i have a major chemistry test tomorrow so i am going to go now.
