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Hell on earth...wait, shouldnt that be heaven, nope it's hell
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No band no band Lalala la la la
written @ 8:00 p.m. on October 05, 2001

Ah. It's my first band free Friday night. ::sighs of relief:: Yeah so i should be out with friends but me being the loser that i am i dont have plans. oh well. Pure darn shame. I need a night to relax and do absolutly nothing. This is my first weekend that i havent had a crapload of homework. ::jumps up and down::

Tomorrows Seminole Sound(another band competeion). I hope we do alot better than we did last week in Orlando. Its hard to believe the season is almost over. As much as i need a break i am not ready for it to end.

School sucks, but of course we all know this is nothing year. Everyone was like my freshman year was sooo hard, i found it really easy. I am dying this year! I am working my butt off and all that seems to be happening is that my grades fall even more. Although i brought my 74.6% chem grade up a little bit. AH.. I got a decent grade on the chem test i took on Wensday, i redeemed myself! But it wasnt enough to make a bit of difference. oh well next six weeks.

Lets see what else is there going on in my life....hmmmmmm nothing. No guys stuff to talk about cause nothing is going on with anybody. Grrr i hate being single, well maybe it is just seeing like everyone i know with a boyfriend or girlfriend. It seems like guys dont notice me and the only ones that do want me to hook them up with my friends! HEllo i cant hook myself up what makes them think i can hook them up? Oh well if anyone knows the answers to this please, please, pretty please, pretty please with a cherry on top tell me! Wells i am going to be going cause there is nothing more to say! ~buh bye~